Fireflies: CLIP Review: Leaf Man         

Oct 19, 2012

CLIP Review: Leaf Man

Author & Illlustrator:  Lois Ehlert

The moment my eyes fell upon this book I was transported back in time.  Instantly I wanted some waxed paper and an iron. As kids, my sisters and I loved finding the most colorful, brilliant leaves in our yard, then would  rush to iron them between wax paper and hang them in our bedroom windows to enjoy for weeks. If by chance we found "the best leaf" on our way to school, it was pressed tightly between the pages of a textbook until we could get home. Leaves have always been things of beauty, reasons to stop and gaze in wonder at another of God's gifts in autumn.

Lois Ehlert has gone a step further in providing us with a magnificent book about autumn leaves.  She has ever so subtlety hidden within her fallen piles of leaves, such characters as the Leaf Man, a turkey, a spotted cow and even a flock of birds! Your child(ren) will also enjoy the unusually shaped pages as they hunt for what's hiding as you read. 

All the leaves used in the book are labeled on the cover pages. You may find some of them in your own yards, and who knows, "Maybe you'll find a Leaf Man waiting to go home with you."

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