Fireflies: CLIP Review: Library Lion         

Sep 14, 2012

CLIP Review: Library Lion

Author: Michelle Knudsen
Illustrator: Kevin Hawkes
Ages: 4-7

Everyone knows the two main rules in the library: one must be quiet and no running!  But when a lion walks into the library one day, no one is quite sure what to do.  Even Miss Merriweather, the head librarian, is unaware of any rules about lions in the library.  Lion is warned in a very stern voice that if he does not roar, he may be allowed to attend story hour. All the children are delighted! The next day Lion returns early and begins to find all sorts of useful tasks to  help around the library. He dusts the encyclopedias with his furry tail and lets small children ride on his back to reach books on high shelves. 
 But one day something happens that causes Lion to not only race through the library, but also roar the loudest roar of his life. He is sent from the library in shame. Could there ever be a reason, a very good reason for roaring in the library? Lion broke the rules when his friend was in need, helping in the only way he knew how.  Would he ever be allowed back for storytime with the children?

This book makes a delightful read-aloud and the illustrations will, in the words of the illustrator, "remind you of those simple days when a visit to the library was as exciting as a trip to the  zoo, only better!"

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