Fireflies: CLIP Review: Over and Under the Snow         

Jan 25, 2013

CLIP Review: Over and Under the Snow

Author: Kate Messner
Illustrator: Christopher Silas Neal

     "Under the snow is a whole secret kingdom,
      where the smallest forest animals stay safe
      and warm.  You're skiing over them now."

As the young girl and her father enjoy a  day of gliding through the quiet woods on skiis, she is unaware of the world beneath her.  Deep in tunnels, holes and caves, hibernating animals lie cuddled up against the frigid cold in nests of feathers, leaves and fur.   Together they notice tracks of animals still hunting for prey that might be found. 

You'll see the winter home of deer mice, voles and bumblebees, and learn where squirrels store their food. They have an interesting way of finding it later when they're hungry! And did you know that a Red Fox can actually hear a mouse moving under the snow? That is not good news for the mouse!

Along with the interesting pictures, you will learn a lot about winter animals in this book. Even though YOU live over, it's sure fun to find out what is under!
Mary Byrne Kline

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At January 26, 2013 at 3:41 PM , Blogger de said...

I wanted to share this sweet blog on Pinterest, but the add page says there are no usable images.

At January 26, 2013 at 4:21 PM , Blogger SOC Admin said...

I'm so sorry you are having trouble. We were able to pin the post to our January Pinterest Board with the book's image. Thank you so much for wanting to share this post. Perhaps you can repin it with an image directly through Pinterest. Thanks again!


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