Fireflies: CLIP Review: Brave Martha         

Mar 9, 2012

CLIP Review: Brave Martha

Author and Illustrator: Margot Apple

Martha and Sophie do everything together.  They take walks, play dress up, but most importantly, Sophie checks out all the creepy places before bedtime. When she comes out from under the bed Martha knows it is safe. Oh, did I mention that Sophie is a cat? Well, imagine Martha's concern when her family invites company who bring their dog and Sophie disappears. Martha is tucked into bed with Father saying, "Oh, be brave, Martha. There's nothing under the bed."  That's when she hears it. Scritcha, scritcha, scritch.  Armed with her umbrella and her Daniel Boone hat, Martha bravely searches for the source of the scritches, thumps, and thuds. Shadowed illustrations from under the covers, in the closet and finally snuggling with the source of the ruckus will delight the reader.
Suggested age: 4 - 7 years
CLIP Questions:
  1. Is Brave Martha a good title for this book? Why?
  2. What is something you can do to feel brave?
  3. Why had Sophie disappeared for awhile?
    Do you think she was afraid of something also?

(Thanks to Jim who suggested placing purchase links on Fireflies!)

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