Fireflies: CLIP Review: The Very First Thanksgiving Day         

Nov 16, 2012

CLIP Review: The Very First Thanksgiving Day

Author:  Rhonda Gowler Greene
Illustrator:  Susan Gaber

This is the food, 
gathered and blessed,
the corn and sweet berries,
the wild turkey dressed, 
shared on the very first Thanksgiving Day.

But where did the corn and berries come from? Who planted them? How were the turkeys caught? Who shared the first Thanksgiving? What a perfect time of year to find books that answer these questions and read them with your children. Here's a great one to get you started! 

The paintings in this book are colorful enough to delight young readers while maintaining attention to historical detail. The author's and illustrator's notes at the beginning of the book lay the foundation for the simple text which follows. Once you read those, you will "see" much more detail within the story as you read. For instance, in learning that the Pilgrims brought two dogs, a mastiff and a spaniel, with them on the Mayflower, the illustrator has painted them within several illustrations. How many times can you find them?

            These are the Pilgrims who farmed the new land,
            Who steadfastly labored and toiled by hand,
            and learned from the Indians, skillful and strong.

May we never be too proud to realize that others may have skills that we may need. All of us have something to offer others and we can all learn from one another.

Mary Byrne Kline

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