Fireflies: Verbal Comm: John 3:16         

Feb 7, 2013

Verbal Comm: John 3:16

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Each month we provide a poem or verse to introduce to your children.  Some are for memorizing and reciting - some are simply for read-aloud.   Print out Fireflies' verbal comm posts and read them each day to your children so that they become familiar with its' language and rhythm.

For February, we chose John 3:16.  There is no better LOVE verse to have your children memorize and recite in February than John 3:16: the hope and promise of the Gospel.   

Simply position the words so that you spell the word, VALENTINE vertically.

John 3:16

"For God so loVed the world,
       that He gAve
            His onLy
                    That whosoever
      believeth In Him
          should Not perish,
       but have Everlasting life."

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